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Beware of female profiles that are NOT Verified Real Women!

Beware of Female profiles that do NOT have Verified Real Women tags on them!! You have NO WAY of knowing if this is indeed a real woman or not. In the past we've had men who thought it was funny to create a female profile just to tell the rest of us about how fantasy land should exist in real life. It's always amazing to me how many men go NUTS over these false women. (If a Female profile is telling you all the fantasy stuff, you might want to think twice.. a lot of us real women are based a lot more in reality with the fun stuff for extras..)

Here is what a Verified Real Woman's profile and post will show. As you can see, we paid extra to make it VERY obvious!

QB-verified-woman-profile bling2.jpg

Post in the forum:

QB-verified-woman-profile bling3.jpg
Jun 6, 2015
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